Call for Contributions
The 2018 Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation Conference is all about bringing together practitioners, policy makers, community leaders, and researchers interested in rural issues. This conference is a unique opportunity to share your own successes, learn from a diverse group of individuals, and hear the latest on issues that matter to communities and people who call rural Canada home.
The conference organizing committee is accepting abstracts for oral presentations, panels, capacity building sessions, and posters for the upcoming conference in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan from October 10-12, 2018. This year’s theme is Health and Shared Prosperity. With subthemes including:
- Accessing Health
- Feeding Success
- Prosperous Labour Forces
- Sharing Prosperity
- Eco-Health
The SECOND ROUND of content contribution for the 2018 conference is now open. Click here to access the submission form – due May 16, 2018 11:59PM Pacific Time.
Please direct any question to:
Need to print or share the call? Click here for our downloadable Call for Contributions file.